Thursday, July 15, 2010

The Final Countdown

There are some of you out there that know me and others that do not. For those that don't, I've got big news! About 4 1/2 years ago my sister (you know, the one who gave me "that dog") started the adoption process. You heard that right... 4.5 years ago!! Anywho, for what seems like an eternity, she has been waiting in line to bring home a beautiful baby girl from China.

quick disclaimer... I'm sure that everyone has a different opinion on adoption. domestic vs. international, how a person makes their family, etc. Sadly, this is not the place for those conversations. Just be happy. Babies rock! No matter where they come from. :)

We had no idea when she began this process that it would take this long. But she has stayed true to her maternal gut feelings and hung in there. We have decorated a nursery, bought countless amounts of precious baby girl clothes, studied up on attachment issues, and prepared ourselves as best as possible for all that adopting a baby entails.

Folks, the time is getting nearer. We expect to finally travel to China before the end of the year to bring home Nola Avonlea Richards. I'm thrilled and honored that my sister has asked "Cool Aunt Rainey" (i plan to be reffered to only as this) to be a part of this journey. Mostly, I'll be schelping bags and attempting to document every second of this historic moment.

Here's a quick rundown of the process:
1. First you complete a crap ton of paperwork basically saying that you're not a psycho. Even I wrote a letter saying that my sister was not a psycho.

2. Then China writes back and says your Log In Date is... Broooke's is 5/19/2006. That's when she officially got in line.

3. you wait
4. you shop
5. you cry cause you've waited so long
6. you wait some more
7. you eat a lot of ice cream, or brownies, or hot dogs
8. you hope and wish that time would go by faster

Each month China sends out referrals through a certain log in date. This month they referred through May 10th, 2006. My head is spinning, we are only 9 log in days away from seeing this sweet baby's face for the first time. I've got my sharpie ready, I cannot wait to mark the rest of the days off of this calendar!!!

(Pay no attention to the Wrestlemania program! They're a client, and I happen to think the idea that I get to work on a Wrastlin' event is HILARIOUS. I've already scoped out potential mullet hairdos for the event week.)

Stay tuned for more details as we get closer to brining Nola home. We'll be documenting the whole process on another blog so you can go to China too!!!

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