Saturday, June 26, 2010

And we're off...

Welcome! I've been meaning to start a blog for a long, long time and this random Saturday seemed like the right time. I hope y'all enjoy this little snippet into my life.

Friends and loved ones are well aware that those three furry faces at the top of my page are my heathen children. I have not had the pleasure of actual human children yet and heretofore have adopted these cretins into my home and heart. From right to left are Lady, Buddy, and Huey.

A study in dog personalities...

Lady: the velcro child
Not only does her hair stick to things like velcro, but she's enamoured with me. She follows me around, sits on my head, has seizures when I'm gone to long, and generally is concerned for my well being and hers at all times. She's also a noodle... you know the flamigo croquet things in Alice in Wonderland? They melt everytime the Queen of Hearts trys to hit the hedgehog-ball? She's just like them. Try to pick her up and she melts like a noodle and becomes impossible to pick up. It's awesome.

Buddy: there are no words...
Buddy is a rescue (thanks to my sister, Brooke). His life started out real, real poopy best we can tell. Someone, somewhere used to beat the tar out of him. Thanks to them, he's a complete teddy bear who can turn into a junkyard dog in about 4 seconds. He keeps me on my toes though. I equate him to a toddler. He has more energy than I could ever muster, can jump 5ft fences in a single bound, and thinks jumping at your face with his mouth wide open is the best way to play (it's not by the way, nor is burying every toy I give him regardless of how much money I've spent on it).

Huey: my cranky old man
So he's not really old, only 7. He was a college graduation gift from my BFF Chris. I still can't believe I graduated from college 7 years ago. Huey could care less if I ever came home again. He spends all his life curled up under a blanket. He only comes out to eat, pee, and snap at Buddy (just to keep him in line of course). Huey is also fat, he doesn't mean to be, he's just bigged boned. :)

My babes, my heart, my trouble...

Thanks for checking me out... stay tuned for more musings, introductions, and food!

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